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Working with HPC

Nuts and bolts of working with HPC

📄️ Slurm interactive session

One of the common beginner mistake when prototyping or running something on the HPC is to run the job on the login node, which technically should be fine if you're not running something that requires intensive resources. This is where Slurm interactive session comes into play. With Slurm interactive session we can run our programs within HPC clusters in real-time. So instead of using login node with the limited resource that it has, we can utilise the nodes in a full shell session.

📄️ Working with R interactively

From time to time you may be required to work with R script as most of the bioinformatics/computational biology packages are written in R (need citation). In your local computer, working with R may appear fairly easy as you can always install RStudio Desktop and execute your R script there. But what if you want to run a script that requires high memory and your computer doesn't have enough RAM? Yes you can always rely on Maxwell! It's pretty straightforward to work with R on HPC as you can just create a ready-to-run R script and run it using the Rscript command.