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Running a job

For this tutorial I'll be creating an empty folder called tutorial in my sharedscratch

  • The VS Code way

    1. Right click on the sharedscratch folder and select New Folder... alt text
    2. Name the folder tutorial
  • Shell

    $ mkdir sharedscratch/tutorial

Let's say I want to run a Python script called on Maxwell, it's just a simple script that will print This is a Maxwell test 100 times

# sharedscratchtutorial/tutorial/

for i in range(100):
print("This is a Maxwell test")
  • The VS Code way

    1. Create a new file by right clicking on the tutorial folder alt text

    2. Name the file

    3. Copy and paste the code above to the file alt text

    4. Save the file by pressing CTRL+S on Windows or + s on Mac

    5. You can open a terminal CTRL + ` on Windows or + ` on Mac, then run the code by typing python and should be working smoothly for something small like this, but in reality you'll be working with much bigger stuff and its not recommended to run your whole pipeline on a login node, so instead of doing that we will use SLURM

    6. Create a new file called in the same directory as your

    7. Paste the following blocks of code to the

      #SBATCH --job-name=tester
      #SBATCH -o tester.out
      #SBATCH --ntasks=1
      #SBATCH --mail-type=begin
      #SBATCH --mail-type=end


      The first line is called the shebang it specifify the interpreter to be used to run the code, next lines starting with #SBATCH are the special instructions we'll use to interact with the Slurm Workload Manager

      • --job-name: Name for the job
      • --o: Output log
      • --ntasks: Number of tasks to be executed in parallel
      • --mail-..: Send a mail when the job starts running and when the job is finished to --mail-user email address
    8. Once we're set we can run the code from the terminal

    # Change the directory if you haven't done so
    $ cd sharedscratch/tutorial

    # Run the script
    $ sbatch
    1. You can check the status of the job by using squeue -u <YOUR_USER_ID> alt text
    2. You can also see the log once your job starts running in a file called tester.outalt text
  • Shell

    $ cd sharedscratch/tutorial

    $ vim

    esc then i to insert text, ctrl + v to paste the python code, save it by pressing esc then w then q and enter to save file


    Do the same thing above but this time paste the code for and save it

    $ sbatch
    $ squeue -u <YOUR_USERNAME>

When running your job you might feel like you want to update your script or stop the already running job to do this you can use scancel <JOB_ID> JOB_ID of your job can be found on the first column when you run squeue -u <YOUR_USERNAME>

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